How do I know if these orders are bought or sold?

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TheAlgo tracks option orders that are filled at the ask, or above the ask. TheAlgo doesn't pickup any orders that were sold at the bid.

Examples of what TheAlgo DOES pick up (Buy orders):

ASK - Market 0.50x0.55, Filled at 0.55
ABOVE ASK - Market 0.50x0.55, Filled at 0.56

Examples of what TheAlgo DOES NOT pick up (Sell orders or unclear):

- Market 0.50x0.55, Filled 0.50
MID - Market 0.50x0.55, Filled 0.525

All we indicate is the side of market it traded on.  Just because a trade is in the offer side does not mean it is an opening position.  You can buy to close a position as well.